Snapchat Planets: Meaning And Solar System Order Explained

Snapchat is a very popular messaging app used by people from around the world, and like many other platforms, it has also released its premium version called Snapchat+. In this version, the users get additional features and benefits that are not available in the regular Snapchat. All you have to do is pay a small price for the subscription and unlock Snapchat+. And among the many new features of this premium version, there is one known as Snapchat Planets.

Snapchat Planets is gaining quite a bit of attention on social media because the concept of ranking friends as planets is quite interesting. But as fun and creative as it is, a lot of people are finding this feature to be quite confusing and are unable to understand what it is all about. So if you are one of those confused people and want to know what Snapchat Planets are, what they mean, and how to see them, then keep on reading as we have all the relevant information for you.

What Are Snapchat Planets?

In June 2022, Snapchat released an exclusive paid version called Snapchat+ costing $3.99 a month which comes with a variety of new and exclusive features like story rewatch, priority story replies, Bitmoji backgrounds, etc. But one feature that is getting people excited and intrigued is Snapchat Planets.

Snapchat Planets is a ranking system where you get ranked as a planet depending on how close you are to your friend. The ranking is based on your interaction with each other.

Just like the eight planets in the solar system, the ranking will also be between the top eight friends. Each planet would depict a different position. So if you are the closest person to your friend, you will be the red-hot Mercury.

And if you are the least close out of the eight friends, you will be the blue Neptune. Also, in the Snapchat Planet, your friend would be the sun and you would be the planet. Overall, this new feature is a fun innovation and a great way to attract people to the paid subscription, especially the younger generation.

What’s The Order of Snapchat Planet?

The order of Snapchat Planets is just like the order of the planets in the solar system. With Mercury being the closest and Neptune being the farthest. You and your friend will also be ranked in this order depending on the amount of interaction you have had with each other.

For example, you will be assigned Mercury if you are the closest to your friend. To help you get more clarity, here is the order of the planets and what they mean-

1. Mercury

Mercury is the planet that is closest to the sun. So if you are assigned Mercury as your Snapchat Planet, it means that you are the closest person to your friend and have the most interactions with them.

2. Venus

Venus is the second closest planet to the sun. So being assigned Venus as your Snapchat planet means that you are the second closest person to your friend.

3. Earth

Earth is the third closest planet to the sun. So if you are assigned Earth as your Snapchat planet, it means that you are the third closest person to your friend.

4. Mars

Mars is the fourth closest planet to the sun. This means that if you are assigned Mars as your Snapchat planet, it means that you are the fifth closest person to your friend.

5. Jupiter

Jupiter is the fifth closest planet to the sun. So if you have been assigned Jupiter as your Snapchat planet, it means that you are the fifth closest person to your friend.

6. Saturn

Saturn is the sixth closest planet to the sun. So if you have been assigned Saturn as your Snapchat Planet, it means that you are the sixth closest person to your friend.

7. Uranus

Uranus is the seventh planet in the solar system as per its distance from the sun. So if you have been assigned Uranus, it means that you are the seventh closest person to your friend.

8. Neptune

Neptune is the farthest Planet from the sun in our solar system. So if you are assigned the icy blue planet Neptune in your friend’s solar system, it means that you are the least close out of their top 8 friends.

How To See Your Snapchat Planets?

If you want to know how to see your Snapchat Planet, then here are all the steps you need to follow-

Step 1: Have a Snapchat+ subscription.

Step 2: Click on your friend’s profile. There you will see a ‘best friends’ or ‘Friends’ badge with a gold ring around it. The ‘Best friends’ badge means that both of you are each other’s close friends. On the other hand, the ‘Friends’ badge means that they are one of your close friends but you are not theirs.

Step 3: Click on the badge and you will which planet you are in your friend’s solar system.

If you are unable to see your Snapchat Planet even after following all the above steps, chances are that you are not in your friends’ top eight friends list. Both of you also need to have a Bitmoji linked to your accounts.

Will Snapchat Planets Be Available To Non-Subscribers In The Future?

Snapchat Planets is a feature that is exclusive to Snapchat+ members. So only those who have paid for the subscription will be able to access it. However, a lot of people are wondering whether Snapchat will ever make this feature available to non-subscribers in the upcoming future. But so far, it doesn’t seem like they have any plans to do so. That’s because it is one of the popular features of Snapchat+ and a great way to attract people to get a subscription.

So even though the chances of this feature being available for non-subscriber are slim, you can still try it out by making use of the seven-day Snapchat+ free trial where you can access all the features of the membership without having to pay anything. This way you can decide whether you like this new concept and would like to pay for it or not.

Other than that, keep in mind that Snapchat+ is available in certain locations only, so the Snapchat Planets feature is also limited and can’t be accessed by people from other places in the world.

Final Words

To sum up, Snapchat Planets is a cool feature in Snapchat+ that ranks friends as planets depending on how close they are to one another. It is a nice way to see who your closest friend is and who you interact with the most. But even though the concept is quite fun, it is not all that revolutionary.

So if you are not interested in spending your money on a Snapchat+ subscription just to try out Snapchat Planets, then you do not have to. But if you do think that this is something you will like and enjoy, then you can surely give it a shot.